Urban survival or road survival methods are different from methods used in the wilderness due to the lack of water and food. If urban survival strategies are required it signifies something catastrophic has happened resulting in a breakdown of the authorities and law enforcement in that area.
Reasons for the breakdown may be a terrorist attack, extreme weather, nuclear detonation, or a global pandemic.
S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L is an acronym that stands for:
- Size up the situation
- Undue haste makes waste
- Remember where you are
- Vanquish dread and panic
- Improvise
- Value alive
- Act such as the natives
- Live by your wits
If you are caught in a situation where you need to use street survival techniques, these eight tips are excellent reminders of action taken by people who want the best chance for survival in a post-apocalyptic urban location.
Urban Survival Techniques
An essential to living a disaster is a bug out BOB bag. The typical bag, a backpack or similar bag, usually contains things like radios, water bottles, water purification pills, energy bars, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and matches or a lighter.
These bags are used when you have to leave an Alphasurvivalist area in a real hurry as it is no longer safe. It is important in this situation to have the ability to leave quickly without drawing attention to yourself or your loved ones.
Things you should do:
- Dress like people that are roaming the streets so that you look as if you are one of them.
- Once on your way do not stop moving and steer clear of places where people usually gather, such as malls, liquor stores or gas stations.
- Very good street survival plan includes knowing the roads and surroundings. Create a plan that gets you from town by the fastest route. Ensure to have your fully packaged BOB with you.
If you have a bicycle, scooter or motorcycle it can make your escape seem easier but it can also draw unwanted attention to yourself. If you are fortunate enough to have transport, a great deal of desperate people could be out there that are ready to do anything to get what you have. Being on foot may actually be safer.
Street Survival Food
Following an street people will be thinking of themselves just and their survival. Finding water, food, and shelter will be first and foremost on everyone’s minds and yours too. You must have a week’s supply of food on your BOB so that you can get by until you discover a better living situation somewhere else.